Finding a housing committee


  • access to the internet
  • a bit of spare time to visit or call your local housing committee

Housing problems? There are people who can help! Your local housing committee or, in French, comité de logement is here to walk you through your housing rights and responsibilities- much like this website. The umbrella organization representing the interests of all these groups in Québec is called Le Regroupement des Comités  Logement et Association des Locataires du Québec (RCLALQ) and they provide a directory for all of Québec’s housing groups. Need to consult a professional? Here’s how;


  1. Consult this list of housing committees:
  2. Find your local housing committee on the list and consult their website for hours of operation.
  3. Call or visit your local housing committee.
    Note: Generally for any matter that involves legal information you will need to visit the housing committee in person.

For more information: