- A 911 call
- Your landlord’s phone number
- The phone number for the appropriate professional (electrician, plumber, animal control, etc.)
- 1 demand letter
Worst-case scenario: your apartment is subject to an emergency situation: fire, flood, electrical problem, etc. and something needs to be done NOW.
- If the situation requires it, contact the proper authorities immediately (police or fire department) via 911;
- Contact your landlord and ask them what to do. Generally they will call a professional immediately.If your landlord does not answer their phone or does not offer to help:
- Inform your landlord you will be contacting a professional and invoicing them later for whatever service is necessary. Contact the appropriate professional.If your landlord refuses to refund you for the emergency service you paid for:
- Write a demand letter to your landlord informing them that you need to be compensated.
- File for a hearing at the Régie du logement.
For more information:
Can I be held accountable for any damage relating to the emergency?
If I need to live in temporary accommodations, such as a hotel room, due to the emergency, can I be compensated?
What happens if I cannot live in my apartment anymore after the emergency?